INFO: I upgraded eWallet on my BlackBerry Storm but it still displays in Compatibility Mode

[Archived] – Last Updated:

eWallet for BlackBerry Storm fully supports the touch screen on the BlackBerry 95xx, including the Storm from Verizon and the Storm from Vodafone. However, when upgrading from a previous version of eWallet on the BlackBerry, the program may still be set to run in Compatibility Mode, which makes it difficult to use.

Compatibility Mode makes the program display inside of a blue box that takes up half of the screen, prevents use of landscape mode, and makes the program run slowly.  Compatibility Mode is no longer required to successfully use eWallet on the BlackBerry.

Simply installing the upgrade will not turn off Compatibility Mode, as the BlackBerry OS will remember that it was enabled for the older version of eWallet. You must turn it off yourself. Follow these steps on your Storm device:

  1. Go to the BlackBerry’s home screen
  2. Go to Options
  3. Go to Advanced Options
  4. Go to Applications
  5. Touch (do not click) on eWallet
  6. Press Menu (BlackBerry logo) and then pick “Disable Compatibility Mode”. If you see “Enable Compatibility Mode” instead, you do not need to do anything.
  7. Press Menu and then pick “Edit Permissions”.
  8. Make sure all of the permissions say “Allow”
  9. Press Menu and pick “Save”.
  • BlackBerry 7