INFO: Switching from using eWallet on one Desktop or Laptop Computer to Another

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eWallet is licensed per operating system platform.

If you are replacing your desktop computer with one of the same type (operating system platform), you can use your existing license for the new computer. Just re-download eWallet from where you purchased it. 

If you are switching to a computer of a different type (operating system platform, i.e Windows PC or Mac OS X), you will need to purchase a new license for the new computer. You can find out how to purchase eWallet for your computer at our website.

If you also want to switch mobile platforms, see Switching from Using eWallet on one Mobile Device to Another.

Transfer your eWallet data to your new computer:

  1. Copy your current wallet data file (.WLT file) from the Documents folder (or wherever you store it) on your OLD PC or Mac, to the Documents folder on your NEW PC or Mac
  2. Open the Documents folder on the NEW PC or Mac 
  3. Double-click your wallet there, to open it in eWallet
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